0 2025-02-07
万能句子在开头部分的运用可谓巧妙多样。比如,在阐述观点类作文中,我们可以使用这样的万能句子开启全文:“There is a heated debate over whether... It is a topic of great concern and significance.” 以“Should students use mobile phones in school?”这个话题为例,就可以写成“There is a heated debate over whether students should use mobile phones in school. It is a topic of great concern and significance.” 这样的开头能够迅速引出主题,引起读者的兴趣和关注,让读者意识到接下来要探讨的是一个备受争议且意义重大的话题。又或者在描述现象类作文中,“Nowadays, it is quite common that... This phenomenon has drawn widespread attention.”例如描述网络学习的现象时,可以说“Nowadays, it is quite common that many people engage in online learning. This phenomenon has drawn widespread attention.”简洁明了地点明了当下常见的现象以及其受关注度,为后续深入描述现象等内容做好铺垫。
中间论述部分,万能句子更是大显身手。当需要列举理由或例子来支持自己的观点时,“To begin with,... What's more,... Last but not least,...”这组句子就非常好用。比如在写关于“阅读的益处”的作文时,“To begin with, reading can broaden our horizons. What's more, it can improve our language skills. Last but not least, reading enriches our spiritual world.”条理清晰地从不同角度阐述了阅读的好处。还有在对比分析两个事物时,“On the one hand,... On the other hand,...”也极为实用。假设对比城市生活和乡村生活的优缺点,“On the one hand, city life offers more job opportunities and entertainment options. On the other hand, country life provides a quieter and more relaxed environment.”通过这样的对比,能直观地呈现出二者的差异,让读者对所讨论的内容有更清晰的认识。
结尾部分同样离不开万能句子来总结升华。“In conclusion, it is clear that... Therefore, we should...”就是很经典的结尾句式。还是以前面阅读的益处为例,“In conclusion, it is clear that reading has numerous benefits for us. Therefore, we should make it a habit to read more books in our daily life.”很好地总结了前文所述阅读的诸多好处,并呼吁大家养成多读书的习惯,使文章有了一个完整且有力的收尾。另外,想要提出建议类的结尾也可以用“Only in this way can we...”比如针对环保话题,“Only in this way can we protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future.”强调了只有按照某种做法才能达成保护地球、确保可持续未来的目标,增强了文章的感染力和号召力。